August 31, 2006
The First Birthday
Today was wonderful. Today was the day my daughter, my precious, beloved, adored, incredible, gorgeous, gift-from-God baby, turned one year old.
August 31, 2006
Today was wonderful. Today was the day my daughter, my precious, beloved, adored, incredible, gorgeous, gift-from-God baby, turned one year old.
August 29, 2006
It’s a lovely day in spa-land. I’ve been the Marketing Social Butterfly this morning, starting out at our Chesterfield location to work with some Channel 5 folks on the Show Me St. Louis wedding. We’re doing the bride’s hair and make-up. Lots of fun. Then back to Brentwood for some training on a new piece of equipment we have called VISIA. It’s a complexion analysis system that checks out spots, pores, wrinkles and other goodies, and compares you to a database of other men and women in your age group and skin type. Then it tells you what services and products you can use to improve your skin. It’s very high-tech and cool, and backs up what our very-knowledgable estheticians already tell clients.
August 28, 2006
Okay, so I had a giant post all typed in, and then when I went to publish Blogger burped and I lost everything.
August 24, 2006
Tomorrow is Girls Day Out for Bridal Beano and her Merry Bridesmaids. We’re going to try on The Bridesmaid Dress, and The Gloves, and we’re going to ABC Trading to look at jewelry (love love love that store…where else can you get a whole handful of jewelry for under $5?), and Payless to look at shoes (any time is a good time for shoe shopping). So yeah, total girly day. Beanie’s bridesmaids are all very cool and fun (especially her maid of honor, which just so happens to be moi), so the day should be a blast. I’m really looking forward to it, because of the whole sister bonding thing, but also because I now have a legitimate excuse to buy a beautiful dress, gorgeous shoes, and lovely jewelry. “But M, I had to!” Yay!
August 23, 2006
Well, it’s finally happened. It was only a matter of time, really. I mean, with getting one so close to work and all, and not having to go out of my way and then decide which was less busy or had easier egress patterns for traffic…
August 22, 2006
I keep waiting to post, hoping something exciting will happen that I can share, but alas. Life is just pretty basic and boring right now. Which I suppose is a good thing, as it would be pretty hard to be on a roller coaster 24/7/365.
August 21, 2006
Well, nothing new to report this morning, really. Weekend is over (went way too fast) and another work week has begun.
August 20, 2006
Okay, so it’s totally pointless to wish my mother “Happy Birthday!” on my blog, because she doesn’t read it, but it’d be my luck that today she’d check and if there were no birthday greetings on here my butt would be toast. So, to cover my bases, and because I do love her, I’m posting a very special birthday wish for happiness and a great year to Mom/Grammy.
August 20, 2006
I was just getting ready to plop my butt on the sofa and watch some Season Three of SATC (a small reward for working my ass off to clean the entire house yesterday) and I realized that I haven’t posted since Thursday morning. Wow. That’s a long freakin’ time.
August 17, 2006
Ah, the post-birthday blues. This is the day reality sets in. Yep, I’m another year older, but no one’s bringing me balloons or flowers. (Yes, for the first time in years, my hubby sent me flowers! Beautiful, beautiful, gorgeous Gerber Daisies – my favorite – arrived at my desk shortly before noon yesterday…he got major brownie points!)