If it weren’t for Mondays, we’d hate Tuesdays

Dinner out last night with Her Highness, which was actually quite nice. I had lasagne florentine, all you can eat salad (which was very, very vinegary, which normally I love, but this was obscenely vinegary), and a cannoli for dessert. A lovely glass of Pinot and some t-rav appetizers rounded out the meal. After we were all done stuffing our gullets, of course, Grandma announced that she had made a birthday cake for me and we were to come over to her house to eat it. Zozo had other plans, though, so everyone came back to our house for some playtime before the night bottle and bedtime. They all had cake, but my stomach was threatening to revolt if I crammed one more thing into it, so I saved my cake for today.

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Monday. Bummer.

The humidity is 108% and it’s Monday morning. This week I turn another year older and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. I have my customer training class today, which I was so looking forward to until my Spa Nemesis seated herself at my table and proceeded to take over every single discussion. Need I say any more about my mood this morning?

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Less is More

Kay from Parents as Teachers came by last night, and as usual our little genius impressed her. Zozo’s progressing just fine, doing everything she’s supposed to at this age, which is reassuring to her parents who have no formal training in raising a child, only 8 years experience in keeping two cats alive and relatively happy. We think they’re happy. They’re fat and they purr a lot, which I think is kitty-speak for “We’re happy.”

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Soooo Taguchi!

Had a little happy hour with some folks from work last night…very fun. Wish it could’ve lasted a bit longer, as I don’t get out to happy hours much any more, but I’m glad I got what I got. Came home and finished printing the invites, which went blissfully smooth, thankfully. This morning, though, I decided that the 11 from the end of the last print cartridge have too many lines in them and that I should reprint those. So that’s what I’m doing right now. Reprinting.

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Not much. You?

Tra la la…la la. Nothing much to write, really, but I always post something in the morning lest my dear sister check fifteen million times and there be nothing to read. Trust me…I’d hear about it.

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O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Going through some old photographs last night (part of the cleaning-up-the-basement project) and it hit me all over again how fast time goes. We all look different now. I found photos of me and M back when we were first dating. Here I thought he pretty much looked the same all these years, but nope, he’s aging right along with me. I was a lot thinner then, too, and I remember worrying about my weight back then. Some things never change. Now I’d kill to get back into those faded jeans.

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