July 31, 2006
More Stein Boxes!
Worked on the basement today, while M worked on Christmas. I found more A-B stein boxes. Sheesh. We’re going to need to rent a storage unit just for those. I also found:
July 31, 2006
Worked on the basement today, while M worked on Christmas. I found more A-B stein boxes. Sheesh. We’re going to need to rent a storage unit just for those. I also found:
July 29, 2006
Beans and I got our mani/pedis last night. Well, I got a mani/pedi, Beans got just a pedi. Our toes are happy. I went with Dutch Tulips on the toes and a classic french on the fingers. To keep them looking good, of course, I can’t do any dishes for awhile. (Hint hint M!)
July 28, 2006
We have power!!!! After 8 days, and staying at two other houses (thank you Grandma Frank and Mom & Dad Z), we have a house in which everything turns on and runs as it’s supposed to. There is no sweeter sound than that of the air conditioner kicking on.
July 27, 2006
Ameren is at our house right now, this very moment, workin’ on our little sitchyashun. Yay!
July 27, 2006
Stopped by the American Red Cross St. Louis Area Chapter this morning and donated a pint of my O negative blood. Ran into lots of old buds, and managed to successfully avoid my old boss which pleased me to no end b/c that would have been awkward, to say the least. It’s that whole, “I thought we were friends but turns out you were just kidding” thing.
July 26, 2006
I’ve read a bit of a book my co-worker has sitting on her desk, called, “Living the Simple Life,” and it’s quite appealing. Especially the part about paring down the physical amount of stuff we own. The author made a reference to looking at just the stuff we plug into the wall, and then I started thinking that I could narrow that focus down to just the rechargables and it’s amazing. Here’s the list of rechargable things in our house:
1. My cell phone
2. M’s cell phone
3. My palm pilot
4. iPod
5. Lil’ Nikon point ‘n shoot
6. Big Dog Nikon D100
7. Battery recharger for batteries to be used in remotes, toys, radios, etc.
8. M’s laptop, when he brings it home
July 25, 2006
No, we still don’t have power.
Yes, Zozo still has her rash (although it’s getting better).
Yes, we are still staying at Mom and Dad Z’s.
July 24, 2006
Ahhh, back at work, and some semblance of normalcy. The power is on here, fully, and everything works. Well, at least so far. I just got here, though, so we’ll see how the day goes.
July 24, 2006
I’m able to update the blog again…from yet another computer. This time I’m at Mom and Dad Z’s, whom I have to thank for so many different reasons.
July 22, 2006
FYI: the title is to be sung to the tune of “Yes, we have no bananas.”