Ohio Pix

I have been remiss in posting images to the blog, so I decided that I’d just bang out a bunch this morning and be done with it. Here are some photographs from the Ohio trip.

I do believe I am the palest person in this photograph.

Thanks to the Winkler Family for making me look like a ghost.
Haven’t you people heard of sun block?

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I have many, many pet peeves. I’m a rather impatient person (I know you all are flabbergasted to read that), and so I have very little patience with stupid people, people who cannot communicate, lazy people, mean people, people who lie, cheat or steal, etc. Shoot ’em all and be done with it, I always say.

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Sometimes, every once in awhile, little things happen that remind you just how good your life is, even when things seem a little rough.

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Thanks for the memories…

Ahhhh…a “normal” night, finally. We came home, picked up Zo, made some dinner and hung out in the library. Listening to the Cards lose yet again. They could still come back…we’re only halfway through the game at this point, but judging how we’ve been playing…yeesh. Played some blocks, some Leapfrog globe, some Fisher Price stacker thingy. M and I were climbed on by our little monkey, both of us trying hard not to laugh so much that we’d shake her off.

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Cleaning House

Back to work today, and it feels good to have some “normalness” return. Lots going on at the spa, which I love, because it means we’re busy and more clients are coming and going and that’s typically pretty good for business.

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How to tell you’re a mommy.

I kept having trouble finding things in my bag today. Important things like keys, sunglasses, cell phone. So finally I took everything out to see what I could see. Along with the essential items listed above, I also found a ring of brightly colored plastic keys (not mine, but I’ll give you one guess as to who owns them), one of M’s ties, multiple kleenexes (some used, some not, but all wadded), the iTrip for the iPod (but no iPod), and the small photo album of Zoe pix that I like to cart around to show off, but is woefully out of date now and desperately needs new images.

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Zozo loves peas…but not that much!

Busy morning, but good. I got Zozo all to myself because M had to be at work early for some training, and Mom Z had to deliver Dad Z to Meramac this morning for a meeting before he departs on a business trip. I told her that she didn’t have to be back until around 8, so Zozo and I played in the library for a bit before I took her over. I made some pictures of her holding her Gerber daisy from Grandma’s funeral and think I got some good ones. I probably won’t have time to dump them, format them, and publish them tonight, but will as soon as I get the chance.

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Repeating the Repetitive Repetition

Nothing much new to report tonight, and no new images to post. We actually had a very nice, relaxing evening. Well, except for that part where M ran around cutting the yard. It looks great out there; he’s done a wonderful job getting the lawn to look good despite the efforts of local kids to keep it torn up with their cars.

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