God Bless Grandma G

We laid Grandma G to rest today. She had a lovely mass at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Chapel, with a very cool priest who I think is Father Rosy, who is listed as the pastor on the archdiocese Web site, so I’m assuming that was him. He wore cowboy boots, and was able to very nicely relate Grandma’s life to that of Jesus, with a little humor sprinkled here and there. I liked him very much, and wish I knew his name for sure so I can give the correct priest credit where credit is due. Sometimes cool priests seem few and far in between in the Catholic Church, so when I find one, I like to give him a shout-out. Many thanks to Aunt Teresa for making all the arrangements for the wake, funeral and mass. I know it was incredibly tough for her to do, given how close she was to Grandma.

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Dads Rock! (My Father’s Day Tribute)

Today is Father’s Day, and I’m one of those incredibly lucky people to be surrounded by fantastic fathers. The fathers in my life defy the odds of how many cool fathers can exist in one person’s sphere. I can’t speak highly enough of them, so I’ll just try to pick out a few things that make each one special to me.

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In Memorium

Today my grandmother died. One of my six grandmothers. Grandma G, Daddy’s mother, passed away this afternoon. Daddy = Fred for those of you who are trying to keep track of my family tree. I didn’t get to see Grandma G very much, but I always knew she was there, and that she loved me unconditionally. She accepted me as Daddy accepted me, as one of her own even though she didn’t meet me until I was around three or four. She’s been in my life as long as I can remember, and she loved me and I loved her, and in my book that makes her my grandma.

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Chef Boyardee and Billie Joe

Ahhh. Lunch on Friday. Good in so many ways. First of all, lunch on Friday means that there are only a few hours left for this work week. Second, today’s lunch consists of 99% fat free Chef Boyardee ravioli in a can. Yep. I’m embarrassed to admit that I love it. It’s sorta like my crush on Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day…I can’t explain it, so I just go with it. It is what it is. Although I think the Billie Joe thing has something to do with his eyeliner, because when I was growing up I totally had a thing for the boys of Duran Duran, and they wore eyeliner too. Plus, he’s a punker, and that’s just cool.

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