Alas, no Rock-o-Plane tonight.

Well, the weather held out for our parish picnic tonight, which was great, but unfortunately M’s horrible allergies sidelined him for the Rock-o-Plane. He just didn’t feel up to it. Our nephew Joey had a blast, though, riding just about everything but the Rock-o-Plane. Your time will come, young Jedi.

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Hi, I’m Mrs. Crankypants. Nice to meet you.

Yes, yes. The foul mood continues. Although it shouldn’t. The sun is still out so far (keep your fingers crossed for the picnic tonight). I’ve just finished a perfectly delightful frozen Weight Watchers pizza (topped with, apparently, a healthy dose of sarcasm). I’m receiving positive feedback about the blog. I remembered to wear a kicky little scarf today. At 2:30 this afternoon I’m receiving a complimentary facial from a new esthetician here at the spa. All is right with the world, yes?

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Num Lock

You know what really freaks me out? When I inadvertently hit “Num Lock” on my keyboard and suddenly the number keys on the right side of the keyboard don’t work anymore. I spend about 30 seconds hyperventilating and trying to figure out why weird things happen when I use those keys (I am addicted to those keys…the numbers across the top of the keyboard are worthless and should only be used for the special little symbols above the numbers) and then I finally realize, “Ohhhhh, my num lock is off!” Which, thankfully, I did not say out loud, keeping my officemates/family members from becoming alarmed that something is seriously wrong with me.

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Because it’s fun.

Tomorrow night is our church picnic. Mike and his dad are planning to ride the Rock-o-Plane, otherwise known as the Eggroll. I prefer to call it The Spinning Wheel of Death. We hit the picnic at Mary Magdalene on Saturday, simply so they could ride the Rock-o-Plane there. Mike didn’t take his Dramamine in enough time, so of course he felt queasy afterwards. It wasn’t a replay of the Top Gun episode at King’s Island a few years ago (thank God), but it was touch and go there for awhile. Although if you ask him about that he’ll proudly tell you, “Hey, it was a clean hurl!”

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Wowee zowee…I’m now officially a blogger. Damn. Took me long enough, eh? So, yeah, um, welcome! Still trying to figure out how I’m gonna use this, but most likely it’ll be a Big Blog of Zoe Pix. Not to totally bore everyone out of their gourd, but she’s the best subject of my life so far, and I’m really into the whole “make images of something you love” concept. Besides, e-mailing out a link to this has got to be easier than sending a million e-mails with a million-million images attached. I’m sure friends and family will thank me to the end of time for not clogging up/bogging down their e-mail systems.

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