April 25, 2014
Gauzy morning light
April 25, 2014
April 25, 2014
Every day when I drive to work I pass another high school: Principia. Lots of cars turn in and pull out, and I watch their maintenance guys resurface the football field and I see their students running cross country and I wonder what kind of a school appears to have stables (with actual, live horses) right there on the campus. Today as I drove by, I saw a boy standing about 50 feet from the entrance to Principia. He was holding a large piece of posterboard that had, “Hi LAUREN” written in magic marker. I figured there must be something going on so I slowed a bit and began looking for the next sign. Right inside the entrance stood another boy with another posterboard that read, “PROM?” He was also clutching a bouquet of flowers.
April 24, 2014
I have been on an absolute tear with cleaning things out. I pulled the trigger and purchased Adobe CS6, which means I’ll be able to use my iMac again to edit photos and create layouts; my ancient version of CS no longer worked on the new operating system on my iMac. My Adobe version was CS. No number behind it, so I guess you could technically call it CS1. It was ancient. I think it was rolled out about the time those punkass settlers decided to make ‘Murica independent.
April 23, 2014
I got nuthin’ today. Not feeling creative in the slightest. No decent picture. No words coming to mind.
April 22, 2014
April 21, 2014
Last night, after Zozo was washed and in bed and the house was picked up (meaning: the plastic eggs were all gathered, snapped back together and placed in a basket to return to storage downstairs) and we were relaxing, I tackled the beast that is known as Facebook.
April 21, 2014
Things I need to write about tomorrow, when I'm not so tired:
April 20, 2014
April 19, 2014
It was a good and colorful day.
April 18, 2014
Zozo had a half day, so I puttered around the house and got myself ready to go before picking her up at noon. Per her request, we had lunch at Steak ‘n Shake before heading to Sam’s and the pet store. I had a full list of errands for the afternoon, so I left my bag in the car while unloading and attending to a few things that had popped up for work while we were out. Zo changed into her softball practice clothes and I got her water bottle ready, and we climbed back into the car again. As I backed out of the garage I pulled my phone out.