Busy busy busy

It’s been a crazy busy day, on so many levels. I just now realized, “Oh, crap! I haven’t updated the &*%$#@ blog!”

It’s budget time, which means we’re all busily trying to justify our existence, and those of our programs. “You need me because…”

It’s the one place where the answer, “…I’m cute and adorable and spunky!” doesn’t cut it. Damn.

I painted my ducks last night. Nothing says summer like sitting outside in shorts and a t-shirt running a brush over a concrete duck’s behind. We also put the fire pit out on the patio, and will be picking up his cousins, Mrs. Table and her four little matching chairs, from Home Depot this evening. I called them last night just to get the dimensions of the boxes, to ensure we could fit them in the car, and somehow the lines of communication wound up in a spaghetti-like mess to where we were told that they didn’t have the table and chairs, and no Home Depot in the area has the table and chairs, and feel free to order it on-line (complete with a $75 shipping fee, natch).


So out I ran today, over lunch, to another Home Depot, where, lo and behold, I discovered the very table and chairs we want sitting there, gleaming, just waiting to be purchased. They’ve been tucked behind the service desk with my name on ’em, so we’re all set.

It cracks me up how difficult I manage to make our lives. One call to find out the dimensions of a box sent us into phone call hell from which it took half a day to recover, along with the scare that we were too late to purchase something we really want.

It’s the Z Way. That is, the way of our family. Along with “if it can go wrong, it will,” “every project requires at least 5 trips to Home Depot,” and “even if you dig through the pile of destroyed boxes and find the one good box to purchase, it’ll be the one containing broken or missing pieces.”

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