January 15, 2011 by Amy
Christmas Card ’10
I was very pleased with how our Christmas card turned out this year. Zozer had this combination on one day to go to school, and I stripped her down and made her re-dress so it wouldn’t get messed up before I could shoot her. I just loved loved loved the colors. They fit her vibrant personality. So a few days later we had our shoot, and I made a ton of exposures, and then edited down and gave a few to M to review. He and I both liked this one the best, so that’s what we went with. We got tons of compliments on it, which is awesome. But I always think it’s fun to show the stinkers, the ones that didn’t quite make the cut.

And so, here they are. My little drama queen, during her close-up. You can tell she’s just thrilled with me in a couple of these. (If you want to see them a little bigger, just click on ’em.)
One of these years, maybe when she’s older and easily embarrassed by her mama, I’ll actually use a blooper reel on the Christmas card instead of the keeper-shot.
Anonymous - January 15, 2011 @ 8:31 pm
Is she practicing in the fourth one day for her first date kiss!!