January 20, 2010 by Amy
Christmas Outtakes
I didn’t make it into the darkroom last night. I didn’t even come close. I fell asleep in the library with a photography magazine in my hands. Out by 9:30. This is getting really pathetic.
I wonder if I’m catching up on all the sleep I missed in two years of school. Or maybe it’s the weather and the fact that it’s dark by 2 p.m.
But I promised some images, so here are the outtakes from our Christmas card photo shoot. Keep in mind that for most of these, my “assistant” was dozing in an armchair behind me. I’m going to have to cut his salary or dock his pay or something. Because while he snoozed, this is what I was dealing with:

Everything ground to a halt here when Zoe decided that she wanted to get her camera and make her own pictures. Given her vantage point, her shots are mainly of M conked out in the chair behind me. Come to think of it, one of those might have been good on the Christmas card, too.

I was trying to adjust lighting here, and instructed Zo to close her eyes so she wouldn’t get flashed over and over again. Poor Hoot, though, has no eyelids and took it direct. Nice catchlights in Hoot’s eyes, though.

This last one isn’t so much an outtake as Zoe turning into the art director and demanding that Hoot have his own Christmas shot. I suppose Hoot with Rudolph is the equivalent of Zoe sitting on Santa’s lap.
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