April 15, 2010 by Amy
Before I confess, I have to let you know that I really fought it. Really, truly. I tried so hard not to like her. But I can’t hide anymore. I have physical proof now in the form of a 2-CD set.
I love Lady Gaga.
I resisted as long as I could. I mean, the outfits alone…really? We listened to “Poker Face” virtually not-stop on our trip last year, not by choice, but because apparently radio stations in California had figured out she’s talented well before I did. So I was a bit on Gaga overload from that. Then she was given the role of creative director at Polaroid, which would be way cool, so I admit I was a weensy bit jealous.
But then…then I heard “Telephone” and “Just Dance.” And my body betrayed me. I can’t help but move when I hear her music. And feel happy. I want to, well, just dance. Which is fun for me. I love dancing.
So a couple weeks ago, without knowing it, M bought me the Lady Gaga CDs for Easter. I told him later, after he unwrapped the Jackson Browne CDs I got him for Easter. I wondered what he’d think, but it turns out, he’s pretty gaga for Gaga, too. Awesome.
As for the fashion, I think it’s pretty cool that she plays around and has fun. Talk about creativity! And guts! I’m just now breaking out and wearing actual colors and patterns again, so it’d be neato if I had the cajones to wear outfits made of tinfoil, packing tape and paperclips. Or something like that. Until that day rolls around, I’ll keep shopping at Ann Taylor Loft and Target and Kohl’s, and content myself with wearing a purple shirt and yellow shoes, which is today’s outfit. The purple shirt never would have flown at my previous job, where the dress code was black, boring, brown, drab, cream, sigh, white, vanilla and invisible. No patterns, no florals, no nuthin’. Couldn’t even do like a black-on-black pattern. I’ve gone shopping lately and find myself drawn automatically to the black blouses, and have to shock myself awake and steer myself towards clothes that seem alive. And that’s when it hits me. Hey, shopping is fun! (If you’re wondering what that sound is you just heard, it’s M groaning and clutching his wallet.)
He needn’t worry, though. Pretty sure Haus of Gaga isn’t churning out anything mainstream yet. And so far, I’m happy with just a purple shirt.
https://www.blogger.com/profile/03073640554635300165">Natalie Mikolajczak - April 15, 2010 @ 3:09 pm
purple shirt and yellow shoes…YES!!! Love the picture in my mind. My mother is a matchy-matchy kind of woman, and it is maddening!