Creatures, caves and cleanin’

M and I decided that although we hadn’t really sat down all weekend, it was worth it. Friday night was trick or treating around the Lou, stopping at Grammy’s before heading home with a still-sniffly Doodlebug to visit the other g’parents. That’s what she was this Halloween: a Doodlebug. Grammy made her a great costume, and I hope to get some images up here before too much time passes. It seems to fly by, doesn’t it?!

Saturday morning found me on the road to Leasburg, Missouri, home of Onandaga Cave in Onandaga State Park. They offered a photographer’s tour for the normal price of the cave tour – $10. A typical cave tour takes about an hour, maybe a little less, and you don’t have time to set up shots or whathaveyou. This one let have three hours down there, with tripods. There were about 10 of us in our group, and only three or four of us had ‘pods, so we didn’t trip over each other too much. Basically, our guide led us down through the cave, flipped on some trail lights and said, “Go.” It was amazing. I worked steadily for three hours straight, right through the noon hour, without feeling even a hint of hunger (which is amazing in and of itself). The only grouch I had were the people who popped flashes when I was using only natural light. Which wasn’t really natural, come to think of it, since it was created by man, so I should really call it “available light.”

Anyway, it took me 1.5 hours to get down there, plus the 3-hour tour (sing that Gilligan style, if you please), plus 1.5 hours to get back, so that was the bulk of my day. Filled up 3 and a quarter CF cards and blew through an entire battery, plus got me and my ‘pod all muddy…it was a good day.

On the way back I saw billboards for an adult novelty store. I didn’t pay much mind until I saw this line on one of them:

(up to size 6X!)

Yikes. [Shudder.]

My size would probably be XL, and I’m not comfortable walkin’ around in something like that. Self-image issues be damned, there are just some things that shouldn’t be made in certain sizes. That’s all I’m sayin’.

Anyway, that night was Girls’ Night, as M was off at a Blues game/bachelor party (where there wasn’t lingerie of any size, I think). Zozer and I hung out and had a blast, and then once she went down I worked on bills/filing/closing out the month in our budget. I found an error from when I closed the budget last month, and it was in my favor, so the night just kept getting better. Love it when we’re not as poor as I thought we were!

Yesterday, after Mass, M got to work on the display and Zozer and I went for a walk up to the bookstore. After 30 minutes of browsing (okay, I browsed, while Zoe ran around in circles…she goes crazy in bookstores…just loves ’em) we left with four books: Everyone Poops, The Gas We Pass, A Potty for Me!, and The Potty Book for Girls. I am amazed at the literature that captivates my attention these days. Zozer was excited, though, insisting on carrying The Potty Book for Girls all the way home as she sat in her stroller.

After we got home we played in the yard a bit and took advantage of the awesome weather, and watched Daddy and Grandpa work on the Christmas display. It’s coming along well, and I’m getting so excited for the holidays. Usually I hate the holidays. Have for years. Too many unfulfillable expectations, and when they don’t get fulfilled (surprise!) then loads of guilt trips follow. I’m not sure if it’s 15 years of M working hard to make my holidays good or the absolute 100% dedication I have to making sure my daughter doesn’t wind up hating the holidays, too, but something is different this year and I’m already feeling some Christmas spirit.

I’m sure it will be beaten out of me in no time.

Anyway, after Zoe went down for her nap I ran around the house with the vacuum and the mop, and put things away (how on earth does it happen, through the course of an average week, that every single thing we own ends up on the kitchen counter?). It’s so good to start a Monday morning with a place for everything and everything in its place.

I have veritable shitloads of new images in the Mac now (although the cave photographs haven’t been transferred yet, actually), and hope to get to them soon so I can post some here. Probably won’t happen tomorrow night, though, as this political junkie will have her ass firmly planted on the couch watching the election returns roll in.

FYI for those who check Zozer’s school page: they are updating the Web site software and her teacher doesn’t have access today, so, no pictures. Check back Wednesday!

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