Daddy takes Zoe to the ballgame

Daddy and Zoe went to the Cardinals game last Sunday…a real Daddy/Daughter bonding day. Hard to tell who had more fun, really. It’s quite obvious that Zozer is becoming quite the Cardinals fan – even though she slept through most of the actual game. By doing things like letting her have her Cardinal red popsicle before lunch, M is in full baseball mentoring mode. And he says I train my young?!

Pretty good for a self-portrait!

Zoe got a free Build-a-Bear upon arrival at the stadium.
He’s cool, but he’s no Hoot.
(Notice who is facing forward.)

Mmmm. Probably tastes even better since it’s before lunch!

We didn’t know if she’d run the bases by herself.
She did. Practically flew around, according to M.
She told me later, “I gave Fredbird a sidewards-five!”

Another run scored by Zoe!


  1. Ping - August 7, 2009 @ 2:53 am

    Gotta love those rockin' sunglasses!

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