Ding! You are now free to be miserable!

Just called M, as he sits on his Southworst airplane waiting to take off for his day trip to Chicago.

“Effing S____ posted another discussion question!”*
“Oh my gawd. Are you kidding?”
“@#$%. What is it?”
I read it out loud.
“&*%$. &*^$%! What the &*$#?!”

That old saying is true. Misery does indeed love company.

For some reason I feel so much better just from talking to M, and listening to him have the same reaction I did when I saw the post. I so love that we’re doing this together, because I can’t in a million years imagine being in this by myself. Or with anyone else, for that matter.

*Professor’s name redacted to protect the bastard. And, you know, my grade.

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