Do these doors lead to a world with no homework?

Tonight’s homework ended with me standing in the kitchen at 10 p.m., crying to M, “I don’t want to do this any more. When I grow up, I just want to be a photographer.”

An hour in the darkroom and I feel much better (no more tears), although I still say when I grow up I want to be a photographer.

Today’s image was made on our drive from Yosemite back to San Jose. Some podunk town not too far outside the park. Great old building with interesting green doors. I like it, and not just because I don’t have to apply an indifference curve that explains consumer purchasing behavior to it. (Have I mentioned that managerial economics sucks? I mean really, really, really sucks. ‘Specially when your prof is a complete toad and arbitrarily marks you down 10 points for a bullshit reason that makes no sense because what I submitted is what he said I was lacking. You bet your bippy he got an e-mail argument from yours truly. I think he must be smoking pot. Just speculation on my part. Not that I’m driving the bitter bus or anything.)

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