

Rain on the Corvette this morning. Lovely, relaxing trip home. On good tires! Southern Illinois farmland just beautiful.

I enjoyed the ride so much. We talked and laughed, but I also had a lot of time to quietly reflect on my journey that starts tomorrow. It's hard to explain how I feel about this job. Because it already feels like so much more than just a job.

Zoe also starts a new camp tomorrow, so that's adding a bit to my nerves tonight. Already double-checked times and drop-off/pick-up locations, and what she needs to bring (sack lunch, snack, beverage, water bottle). Flying a bit without my usual safety net here, as M flew out this evening on a business trip and my MIL is hopefully thoroughly enjoying a fantastic Alaskan cruise. I feel ready, though.

In an attempt to ensure I get some decent rest despite my worries, I took something to help me sleep. Then worried I won't get up in time and set three alarms. Yes, this is how I spend my time.

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