December 4, 2006 by Amy
f64, where are you?
I made some images of the ice-covered foliage around our house on Friday, but haven’t looked at them other than chimping on the tiny screen on the back of the D100. Thinking back, though, I’m pretty sure I boofed my aperture setting and didn’t get the depth of field I wanted. Grrrr. Hate it when I do that. I blame the extreme cold, which apparently froze my brain and made me forget a fundamental rule of photography.
There was a group of photographers way back in the day that called themselves Group f64. f64 refers to stopping down your aperture to increase depth of field, which is the plane of what is in focus in your image. If you have a large aperture opening, which lets in more light and is, conversely, a smaller number, your depth of field is greatly diminished. Meaning very little in your image is in focus. This can be quite effective as a creative tool, and I do like to use it every once in awhile to achieve a certain look. There is a Post-Dispatch photographer named JB Forbes who I got to shadow a few years ago (I just called him up out of the blue and asked if I could shadow him for a day…it was way cool…and it also convinced me I’d never want to be a professional photojournalist) who taught me about creative use of depth of field. He is a master at it.
Anyway, if you stop down your aperture (i.e. have an f-stop of a higher number), then more in your image will be in focus. I think my wires got crossed in my brain on this concept when I was out freezing my tushie off Friday trying to make creative images of ice-covered trees and bushes. We’ll see what I got when I dump the images into the Mac and take a good look-see at them.
Grand Lighting Party has officially been rescheduled for this Saturday…which reminds me that I need to resend that info to our invited guests. Well, there goes the rest of my lunch break!
On the way to work today I saw a sign for a realtor whose last name is Docter. So do people call him Mr. Docter? Doesn’t that sound funny?
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