April 21, 2011 by Amy
Festive underneath
I talked to M this morning. He and Zoe chatted about how excited she was today because (warning: double whammy ahead) it was Pajama Day and Babaloo Day. Pajama Day is, well, pretty self-explanatory. Babaloo is an entertainer who comes in once a year for an all-school assembly. He farts and throws toilet paper all around and blows bubbles and does other things that preschoolers find incredibly hilarious.
Then, I dropped the bomb on him. Poor boy, he’s around the world and even in a different hemisphere, no less. In other words, he’s powerless to stop her. I told him, “She requested, and is wearing, her party underwear. Chosen especially for today.”
First, there was silence.
Later, he told me he was tempted to ask two questions:
- What, exactly, is “party underwear?”
- Who do you expect to actually, um, see your party underwear?
https://www.blogger.com/profile/12142657530859151906">Chilly - April 21, 2011 @ 9:29 am
Thanks for giving me such great starts of the day – reading your blog always leaves me with a big smile on my face! Or/And very impressed by your cool photos.
Shelly - April 21, 2011 @ 2:07 pm
And where exactly does one buy Party Underwear. I think I need some!
https://www.blogger.com/profile/05465978050819239108">Amy - April 21, 2011 @ 2:30 pm
Zoe's Party Underwear was purchased at Target. She has several pair, all with Hello Kitty. The difference is that plain underwear (or non-party) is usually white or a light color with only one Hello Kitty or Sesame Street character. Party Underwear is a bright color, with lots of characters.
And now you know.
cris g - April 22, 2011 @ 5:19 am
Does Z like Babaloo? He is a good friend of mine, can hook you up!