First Day of Last Year

Zozo’s first day in the Bear Room.  She did great…had a blast (just like I knew she would!).  Although we had this conversation on the way home tonight (which is last night, come to think of it, by the time this gets posted, since I was out late hangin’ with my girls and watching the new SATC movie):

Z: Soooo, how long am I in the Bear Room?  A week?
A: Um, no, sweetie.  You’re in the Bear Room for like a year, then you go to kindergarten.
Z: [squealing] So I’m in kindergarten now?  Yay!
A: Well, you have a year left of preschool, then you get to go to kindergarten.
Z: Oh.  Okay.

A pause while consideration sets in, or so I think, and then

Z: Hey, me and Kaitlyn today, we played with these little little little little little little little little little little little little teeny tiny balls and you squish them together and make thing so we squished a whole bunch of them together and made poof balls!  Poof balls!

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