May 10, 2008 by Amy
Friday Funday
Took most of today off to hang with my girl Zozer, and we had a blast. Went to Sam’s and Shop ‘n Save, and my little helper was just perfect. She was such a good girl she got her free cookie at Sam’s, which, of course, pleases her to no end. Much of the excursion was uneventful, except for running between rain drops, and the one time at SnS when she decided to stow her hat on a shelf in the baking aisle and I didn’t figure out it was gone until two aisles later. We went back and found it, though, right there next to the brown sugar, where she carefully placed it in an empty spot on the shelf while I was busy looking for pancake mix for her father on the other side of the aisle.
Weather-wise, the day was dreary and overcast, lots of rain. I like some clouds when it comes to making images, as it gives you a nice soft, scattered light. Harsh light can be good in certain situations, but we photographers mostly like soft light. The cloud cover was so low today, though, with all the rain, that everything just looked gray and flat. Not very inspiring to make photographs. I had pretty much given up shooting anything to post for tomorrow.
After Zozer went down for the night, I went out to retrieve my mail and that of my in-laws, who are out of town at Michelle’s graditation (Congraduations, PharmaGirl!) when the sun popped out for a fine how d’ya do for the last 30 minutes of the day. Gorgeous light. I literally ran back in, dropped the mail and papers, and grabbed the D100. Yippeee!
As an added kick, I shot with both the 17-55mm and the 50mm prime. I haven’t used the 50 in ages, which was evident by the dust I had to blow off the lens cap when I picked it up. Bad photographer, bad!
Anyway, images were made, and I have one to post for tomorrow. Which, unfortunately, means you have to wait until tomorrow to see it.
Many thanks to Grammy for filling in this morning and spending time with Zozer. She had an absolute blast and I really appreciated not having to blow off my staff meeting! Next time I’m getting a picture of you wearing her butterfly hair barrette. That was classic.
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