
It’s been a week of babies for M and me! We met Jane Wednesday night, and last night we caught up with little Gavin, who is now 8 weeks old and managed to convince his mom and dad (Tiff and Doug) to finally bring him to the Lou.

Gavin is a real sweetie who looks just like his dad, right down to the dimple and the crooked smile. His eyes sparkle with Tiff’s spirit, though.

I had to use an extremely high ISO to handle the low lighting, and high ISO on a digital camera does exactly what high ISO does on film – introduces noise (called grain with film). I used to hate it, but grain, like wine, is an acquired taste and I’ve come to appreciate it for the texture and feeling it introduces to a photograph. I’ve also come to appreciate wine, but that’s a whole other blog post. Anyway, this one is particularly noisy, because of the uber-high ISO and because I cropped way in to capture his expression. It’s my favorite of the bunch.

Hmmmm. I wonder how I can convince Mom and Dad to move back to St. Louis permanently. It’s hard to find Cardinal games on TV in Vegas.

He’s either yawning or serenading Aunt KK. Your choice.

Aunt KK relishes her role as “cool aunt” and overall “baby hog.” She was in her glory tonight, and even got to change a teeny tiny diaper.

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