August 7, 2009 by Amy
It’s been a week of babies for M and me! We met Jane Wednesday night, and last night we caught up with little Gavin, who is now 8 weeks old and managed to convince his mom and dad (Tiff and Doug) to finally bring him to the Lou.
Gavin is a real sweetie who looks just like his dad, right down to the dimple and the crooked smile. His eyes sparkle with Tiff’s spirit, though.
I had to use an extremely high ISO to handle the low lighting, and high ISO on a digital camera does exactly what high ISO does on film – introduces noise (called grain with film). I used to hate it, but grain, like wine, is an acquired taste and I’ve come to appreciate it for the texture and feeling it introduces to a photograph. I’ve also come to appreciate wine, but that’s a whole other blog post. Anyway, this one is particularly noisy, because of the uber-high ISO and because I cropped way in to capture his expression. It’s my favorite of the bunch.
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