

M left this morning for his 2-week jaunt across China and Japan, and we got to work on having fun.

Within 30 minutes of his departure we were on the way to Dunkin Donuts, where we ran into some friends (always happens when I'm make-upless and hatted). Then we started cleaning out Zo's dresser drawers; her request since they were so jammed we couldn't easily find clothes that fit. How do the too-small outfits migrate to the top? I've had to request she change clothes several times in the last week so her father doesn't have a heart attack because she's in short-shorts.

Then we got cleaned up and were off to mass, where we saw more friends and retrieved our back-to-school packet, which gave the all-important info on which class she's in. We also got a rough idea who's in her section and who's not, which in one particular case is more important than who is her teacher.

After mass we ate a quick lunch and then hit the grocery store. Zo has taken it upon herself to be the List Master, crossing off items as they are placed in the cart. I figure she's improving her reading skills and she gets a kick out of it, although today we had this conversation.

"Zo, you checked off goat cheese already. We haven't found the goat cheese yet! We need to not check off things early as that's how we forget things."

"Well, just go get the goat cheese now."

The "Duh, dumbass" was totally implied.

Tonight we ate dinner out and went for frozen custard and train spotting. Success for the former, a big negative for the latter. I did, however, make a lovely black-and-white of my favorite girl.

After she went to bed (missing Daddy), I went to work in the kitchen. Made an awesome meatloaf, green beans, mashed potato, salad and rice krispie treats dinner that we will not eat. Friends of ours in the parish are dealing with their eldest son (who is in grade school with Zoe) starting chemo and we've all jumped on the meal train. I'm tired and up late and so, so, so thankful that I am doing this for her (them) instead of being on the receiving end of a meal train. I did cheat a bit and make an extra meatloaf and potatoes for us this week, and I'm pretty sure Zo won't let it fly that rice krispie treats leave this house without any for her, but that's a project for tomorrow.

I'm done for the night and heading to bed, tired and happy. The kitchen is clean and ready for the new garbage disposal to be installed tomorrow. This looks to be an exciting week at work with a couple of great projects wrapping up and more starting. My meal train project is done. The carpets have been vacuumed and laundry is done. Brick for the new house has been selected.

Plenty more to do, but for now my work is done.

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