

Over to Trenton, IL this morning to look at more lights at yet another lighting distributor. Very cool stuff, and we're learning more and more each time, but I'm ready to move on now. Getting tired of lights. And appliance discussions.

Quick stop to pick up birthday gifts for Zoe's friends' birthday party, home to wrap, then zoom to drop her off after mapping the address and learning the family lives considerably out of parish boundaries (which we hadn't calculated into our travel plans – oops). M came home and did the yard while I got gas, had two chips in the Zoemobile's windshield repaired, ran an errand and got her delayed birthday party tentatively set up at Build-a-Bear. Home to shower and change, then we were off to a big party hosted by the Dean of Academics from the school at which I work. It was very cool. We then picked up The Bug, came home and got her showered and in bed. Now it's time for me to review my materials for tomorrow, as I'm doing the children's liturgy. (Yes, they let me do that. Trusting parishioners!)

Tomorrow we have Mass (see children's liturgy duty above), then Zoe has a soccer game. Home to change, then back to my campus for the fiftieth anniversary dedication of our church, complete with another Mass with the archbishop and a reception.

Who said weekends were for rest?!

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