

Amazingly productive evening which has resulted in a weary body and a racing mind. After dinner and snuggles with The Bug, I

Sorted mail

Paid bills

Caught up on correspondence

Got Girl Scout things together for tomorrow's meeting

Got ACTS retreat materials ready (one ministry, one service, one talk)

Booked flights to CO and back, after paying $27 for 1000 points to save my 26,000 points on the brink of expiry. Total cost of round trip flight: $34. Not too shabby.

Pulled together Zoe's soccer uniform for tomorrow night's game

Reviewed two emails for M

Cleaned off the kitchen counter

Wrapped Zozo's Valentines gifts since I will be on retreat

Wrote Zozo's Valentine note

Finished washi taping little bubble sticks to Zoe's Valentines for her party Friday

I think I'm good. Hopefully good enough to shut my mind off and go to sleep. It's hard to do that when you're on a roll. You get in the mode of "just one more thing…just one more thing…just ONE MORE THING…" And before you know it the whole night is shot and you've done nothing fun (i.e. nothing for yourself) and you didn't even get to see any Olympics.

It's okay. I'm competing in the MomOlympics. And I'm kickin' ass and takin' names. Now where's that gold medal?

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