

We opened up a can of whup-ass on boxes today. Kitchen is done, except for a few things we have yet to retrieve from the cottage. Great room is done. Bill paying-mail sorting-catch all desk done. Our bath is nearly done. Zoe's bath is done. I did more loads of laundry than I care to count. Cats are situated in their final spots (we had them staged in the guest room so they wouldn't be in the movers' way). Pantry is nearly done; we need two wire baskets for plastic cups and storage containers. China is out, sorted and stored in the buffet.

My feet are screaming and my muscles ache, but I couldn't be happier.

Yesterday our awesome architect dropped off a "welcome home" goodie basket, packed with snacks and breakfast stuff. We busted into that today and were grateful all over again. He designed the most perfect house for us AND he brings Pringles and wine?! Told you he is awesome!

More unpacking tomorrow. Zoe's room for sure, and then I suppose the basement. That'll take some time. I hope to get to my darkroom in a week or two; just on hold until M decides he's in the mood to assemble furniture! (For the record, I'm not pushing it. He's working just as hard as I am and he's just as exhausted. We'll get to it when we get to it!)

In the meantime…where are those Pringles?

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