April 15, 2014 by Amy
What an insanely normal evening! We all got home from work and school and did normal, everyday things.
Zozo read while I made dinner.
We ate together and shared our days.
We played games.
We started two avocado plants from the seeds left over from our homemade guacamole.
We tucked our daughter into bed, together.
We FaceTimed with Steve & Kelly in Chicago (O was in bed…we have to call earlier next time!).
We researched mattresses to replace the crappy mattress we bought mere months ago.
We worked on First Communion, which apparently requires epic planning. This, we think, is a way to let parents of girls have a taste into what planning a wedding will entail. God help us.
We talked and laughed and did non-work, family-centric things.
It was wonderful.
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