August 7, 2012 by Amy
She selected her own shoes for her upcoming flower girl appearance. I was off looking for flats or flat sandals or, apparently, footwear that was too young to suit her.
"How about these? I like these!"
I turned and saw that what she was holding would make her father's eyes bug out of his head.
Which is exactly what happened when he caught sight of them under her dress during her fashion show tonight. He shot me a look that was a mixture of confusion, awe, terror, and "what the f*ck." I just grinned.
She's growing up, and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. Trust me, there's not. I've given it a lot of thought.
So when it came time to tuck her in tonight, I didn't just give her a kiss. I crawled in next to her and held her tight, breathed in her little girlness and kissed her hair and rubbed her back and noted her scrawny little arms and legs. And tried to commit every second to memory.
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