

This morning we visited the old St. Ferdinand Shrine in Florissant. It was pretty darn amazing. It's where Saint Rose Phillipine Duchene spent much of her life praying and teaching. All three of us enjoyed it, and I got to exercise my Big Girl Camera. (Pix to come…I spent tonight editing the images from yesterday's soccer game. Why is it more fun to edit the photographs from games we win than the ones we lose?)

I feel like the shrine is this little jewel tucked away that no one – or hardly anyone – knows about. It's hidden, just like this wallpaper under a layer of paint. We had signed up for this "family pilgrimage" months ago and really didn't have a clue what to expect. We joined about 30 of our parish family members and headed up there for Mass and docent-led tours of the church, convent and school house.

It was a great morning. While there, I also learned about two amazing women who are also serving on the ACTS team with me. (Just got the call to serve this week and am thrilled!)

This afternoon I attended another Mass in another beautiful church. This one was to celebrate Father Timothy's 60th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. It was lovely, and Father Timothy was his usual charming self.

All in all a good, if exhausting, day.

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