I give it 4 phasers

We saw the new Star Trek movie last night.

It was incredible and awesome and funny and edge-of-your-seat thrilling, but it wasn’t Star Trek.

The original Star Trek (and by that I mean not only the original series with Shatner, but the movies and multiple spin-off series like Next Generation) nearly always grappled with complex moral, social and ethical issues. I mean, sure, you had to deal with Shatner’s overacting and off-beat staccato delivery of his lines, but after awhile that becomes rather endearing and part of the Kirk persona.

The new movie doesn’t really have any of that deep ethical undertone. It’s pretty much bang-bang shoot ’em up action-packed hilarity.

So, I’ve formed a theory on this. (Because I apparently have nothing better to think about.)

The end of the movie leaves the door wide open for sequels. As in, so wide open there isn’t really even a door, but a gaping hole left by a photon torpedo. And since they shot the original timeline all to hell by creating an alternate reality – you can do that when you’re dealing with little things like the space-time continuum – they can boldly go wherever the hell they want now. So, okay, we all walk out of the theater knowing there’ll be more Trek movies coming down the pike.

My theory (and I hope it’s true) is that this first “new” Trek is designed to appeal to the masses. It’s supposed to draw in everyone, not just the people who actually know how to speak Klingon and Vulcan and both dialects of Romulan. It’s supposed to lure non-Trekkies with big explosions and hand-to-hand space fights before tackling the bigger moral issues as Roddenberry originally intended. That’s my hope, anyway.

And now has come the time to admit I am on the cusp of Trekkie-ness. I realized this after recognizing that I a.) got much more out of this movie having seen all the original episodes with Shatner and Nimoy (there are boatloads of inside jokes and references) and b.) I was laughing at all the same times as the true, hard-core Trekkies also in the theater.

I’m not quite ready to don the uniform of the Federation, but those space skirts are looking cuter and cuter.

And I stand by my Facebook assertation that Spock is hot. I can’t figure out if it’s the ears, the logic, or the dryly-delivered witty cut-downs, but he’s way, way awesome.

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