I’m TWITCH fine TWITCH why do you ask? TWITCH

For a couple days now, my left eyelid has been twitching. I’m sure you all have experienced this at one time or another. It’s not painful or anything, but it’s annoying as hell.

I’ll just be sitting here, working away, and it’ll start jumping around like crazy. Vision gets a little distorted, eyeball feels like it’s sticking out all the way to Jersey…

Deep breaths, and sometimes pushing on it, helps, but it keeps coming back.

This morning, wondering if there’s something I could do to get rid of ol’ twitchyeye, I googled it. (I love google. Google is almost my best friend in the whole entire world.)

Turns out that a twitchy eyelid is caused by stress, fatigue and caffeine.

Huh. Yeah. Never would have guessed that was going on in my life right now.

Since I’m using the caffeine to help fight the stress and fatigue, which doesn’t look like it’s going away until approximately December 18, I guess I’ll just be twitchy until then.

I hate it when my inner turmoil manifests itself in outward, physical expressions. I’d prefer everyone not really know that I’m stressed, tired and over-caffeinated. But, there it is, and I thought I’d just blog about so when you see me you don’t have to wonder why my eye is doing the cha-cha and I don’t feel the need to explain it.

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