

I'm back in California, about a year after my last "photography camp." While I'm not entirely sure what to expect, I'm definitely more at ease this year. Different location, different agenda, new friends. But also some old friends, women for whom I've developed a deep affinity, respect, and collegial love.

This journey is more than just photography. This is about reconnecting with myself, finding my own happiness within instead of thinking it's the responsibility of others.

It couldn't come at a better time. With the new job, the new house, Zoe's activities and everything else we do, the first sacrifice is always ourselves.

So here's to a great week of photography and shared experience and laughter and exploration. Here's to a week of discovery and affirmation and iphoneography and Polaroids and Nikons. Here's to clicks and shares and support and understanding. Here's to finding my way home at the end, both literally and figuratively.

It's gonna be awesome.

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