
I write tonight with tears in my eyes and joy in my heart. A few days ago, I posted a story about a woman named Odette, and her journey through pain and suffering, and her hope of reuniting with her daughters half a world away.

I’m so happy to report that a few short hours ago that reunion happened. When I read the words, “They are together,” I burst into tears. I wanted to go into Zoe’s room and crawl into bed with her and just hold her. I wanted to shout from the rooftop. I wanted to dance with abandon. Instead, I took my sniffly nose and my tissue and headed into the living room to hold M tightly.

We looked at photographer Stephanie Roberts’ iPhone images, which will have to do until she processes the “real” images shot with her “real” camera. I’ve never been so thankful for iPhones and Twitter in my life, as those technologies enabled Stephanie, Jen Lemen’s Picture Hope partner, to bring us along for this most happiest of rides.

I used to think Twitter was pretty worthless. Hell, most of it still is. I don’t need to know that you’re standing in line at the supermarket, or that the drive-thru at Starbucks is 10 cars deep. But with something like this…something that pulls people (complete strangers, no less) together in joyful celebration of something (finally) that is so good, so right in the world…well…who can beat that?

My images tonight are in celebration of children and parents and friends and, most of all, love.

Jen and Odette still need help covering their expenses. Please consider pitching in a little something. And give your loved ones a million hugs tomorrow.

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