July 4, 2012 by Amy
Today was…
I can't do it. I can't put into words what today was. Sometimes things happen and you don't know why and you don't know what you could have done differently.
It will probably be a long, long time – if ever – before I can talk about today.
Yes, the house is down. No, it did not go as planned. Please do not ask, for I do not wish to talk about it.
I am glad this day is over, for a number of reasons. I am ready to move forward, ready to put this day, and that damn house, behind me.
The key to this, I think, involves any number of things. Prayer. Introspection. Continuing to pack my life so full I don't have time to ponder, "What if…"
The key here in this image belongs to a house that no longer exists. We are land owners now, not homeowners.
Which is ironic given that on this day, of all days, I could truly use a home of my own.
(There are people who will read this who know, who were there. To you, I can only say thank you and I love you so very much. You have no idea what your love and support mean to me. And to my extraordinary husband…you are my rock, my lifeline, my most very best friend. Thank you for holding my hand today, and always. You are my key.)
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