Live to write, write to live

Down for the count today.  Three days of ignoring the head cold did not do anything to convince the head cold to leave.  Since my main deadlines were met for the week, and I was relatively caught up, I stayed home and stayed in bed.  Every once in awhile I would regain consciousness, check the phone, see that my job was still secure as 27 more e-mails had arrived since I last checked, and then fall back asleep.

I think it worked.  I feel much, much better tonight.  Although quite exhausted, which is odd given that the most energy I exerted today was to shower.

Things are going incredibly well at work.  My positioned has changed from marketing to communications.  This means nothing to most of you, but in my world, there is a distinct difference.  The largest change is the amount of writing and editing I do.  My new job is almost entirely writing and editing.  Which I love, love, love.  All day long I craft messages, constructing news releases and internal releases, speeches, promotional materials, and corporate communications like annual reports and websites.  My title is a big, long, fancy-schmancy sounding thing (that contains the impressive-sounding “North America”), but really, it could be distilled to “Wordsmith.” I am, in essence, creating the voice of my company for this part of the world.  Well, and other parts of the world that require someone to take roughly-translated English and polish it up all nice and shiny.

Given where I started a year ago, leaving a soul-crushing job with nothing else lined up just to end the daily heartbreak, I am amazed.  When I left that job, I took an on-line course called Mondo Beyondo.  The biggest lesson I learned from that was to be open to possibilities, to be secure while feeling completely adrift, that the universe is unfolding exactly as it should.  I took a lot of risks over this past year, and tried so many new things that I can’t even keep track any more.

So things are going really well in my little universe right now.  Yeah, something can come along at any time and demolish things to hell…it happens…but at least I know that I’ll get through it and come out on the other side open to new possibilities.

I’d really like to get rid of the snot factory in my head, though.

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