July 14, 2010 by Amy
My turn
“You should take The Car today. It’s supposed to be 98 and sunny.”
“Nah. It’s too much hassle. I’d have to drop Zoe off at school, then come back for it, then bring it back before picking her up again. You go ahead.”
“You should take it.”
“I’m not driving it. YOU take it.”
>Later, when Zoe and I were leaving the house, I peeked in the garage. She was still there. He had taken his car. It was tempting.
After dropping Zoe off I realized I had forgotten to bring stamps to mail a friend’s birthday card. Which is already threatening to be late so it’s not like I can put it off another day. Damn. I hate having to go back home after leaving.
I pulled up and hit the button for the garage door. She sat there, gleaming. She beckoned. And I answered her siren call.

I sent him an e-mail while sitting at a stop light.
“Uh oh! Guess who’s driving the Fun Car?!”
“I thought you weren’t going to drive it.”
“I changed my mind.”
I love this car. I know lots of people aren’t car people and don’t get it. That’s okay. To each her own. Just know that in the grand pantheon of cars, this one totally, completely, undeniably rocks. I am a car girl (it’s partly genetic, partly environment, partly marriage). I love this car.
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