March 20, 2010 by Amy
Naked art
“C’mon, Bug. Time for a bath before bedtime. Can you get undressed, please?”
“Sure.” [happily disrobes] “Hold on. I need to do something.”
Apparently, “something” is creating art in two different media (photography and markers) while completely naked.
Since I’m not one to stifle any artistic inclinations, I let her go. M said, “Are you going to let her do that?” I replied, “Yep.”
And then not only did I let her do it, I documented it. I stayed dressed, though.
How is it that children are so completely comfortable with themselves that being naked is not only acceptable, it’s preferred? Zozo loves being naked. She does the Naked Baby Dance before her bath every night. And it’s driven by the sheer delight of wearing not a stitch. This, of course, causes her father much consternation, but I reassure him that she won’t always want to dance around naked.
I hope.
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