New members of the Z Family!

Nothing makes me smile more than a new baybay.* The only thing that could be better is two new baybays!

Welcome to the world, little Mark and Joseph! M’s cousin and his wife are now the proud parents of these darling guys, who arrived healthy and happy Monday morning. Now, with Paul being M’s cousin and all, I’m not sure how Zoe and Mark and Joseph are related exactly…second cousins, first cousins once removed…whatever. I say, they’re just cousins, plain and simple. And we can’t wait to meet ’em!
I feel like it was yesterday that our little Zozer was that small. Now look at her:

I like this photograph for several reasons. 1.) She’s happy and having fun. 2.) She’s interacting more and more with her new “friends,” and talks about them after school. This is Fletcher. 3.) The bright colors make me smile. 4.) This picture will absolutely drive her father crazy because she’s with a boy, in what appears to be a little room. I can’t wait to hear what he has to say about this!*Okay, so other things that make me smile include my own baybay, no matter how big she gets, M, and the prospect of getting another piece of photo gear. Which I’m currently researching. I might get to see Mark and Joseph in November, and if I do, I’ll be teaching them to say “Hasselblad.”

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