New Zozer Art

New Zoe Art!When Zoe pulled the above out of her cubby (covey, as she calls it) at school this morning, I told her I was going to bring it to work. She instructed me that I could take it to work today, but then I had to bring it home and hang it in the kitchen so Daddy could see it, too. Yes, ma’am.I further avoided my econ mid-term last night by organizing my bill folder, the last six months’ receipts, and all the rest of my paperwork.I know to some of you this is akin to choosing between going to the dentist for a root canal and water torture, but for me…well…it wasn’t a tough choice.When most of my life is in an uproar (which it mostly seems to be these days, what with mid-terms, regular homework, lots going on at work, the King of Pop passing away unexpectedly…), it feels good to get at least one small part of it under control. I am master of the paperwork at my house! (At least for a week or so.) The really sick thing is that I fully plan to celebrate graduating by cleaning out the storage room in our basement, which I cannot tackle until then as it’s an absolutely mammoth task. My goal: eliminate everything that is not absolutely essential. Essential to what, you ask? Basic daily living, and our happiness. The above artwork: essential to happiness. Christmas decorations we inherited with our house that we’ve never used? Not essential! Oooo…the possibilities are endless – I just may rent a big ol’ giant dumpster! How much fun would that be?!


  1. Anonymous - June 30, 2009 @ 4:05 am

    That rocks! Look at all of those primary colors!!! Now THAT is worth blowing up and framing!

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