
Today is a “NO” day. I’m tired, and cranky, and my gums are swollen. The first is due to a small girl who has found a variety of reasons to wake me up the last three nights. I want to sleep with you – I want you to sleep with me – I’m thirsty. Or, in the case of last night, all three.
The second is probably due mainly to the first and third. And the looming wall of paper in my darkroom. Which I didn’t tackle last night due to some surprise (and welcome!) visitors. I called M this morning. “I’m done with paper. We’re going digital on everything. E-bank statements, e-retirement account statements, e-bills. Let Yahoo, Discover and AT&T’s servers store all this crap.” Given my mood, he was a wise man and said, “Of course, dear.” Paper is so 2009 anyway.
The third is due to I don’t know what. Every once in awhile they just puff up and hurt like hell. Age, maybe? I feel old griping about swollen gums. Usually it’s popcorn. I haven’t had popcorn in a long time so it’s not that. No retainers last night, and this morning’s granola bar was an exercise in self-inflicted pain. On the bright side, this might be a great new diet plan.
I have a trade publication sitting on my desk whose main headline is “Chronic Feline Diarrhea.”
TachiCat took care of the stack of business magazines piling up in the office last night by barfing on them. I usually feel guilty when I recycle mags that I haven’t gotten around to reading. Not this time. Yuck.
The dishwasher needs to be emptied. Again.
It’s going to be 197 today with the heat index.
Today is a “NO” day.

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