On deck: laundry

I woke up at 5:45 this morning and smiled. Because the only thing I have to do tonight is laundry.


How freakin’ cool is that? I get to play on my Mac and listen to music and hang out, and every 38 minutes go downstairs and change the loads over. Ho hum.

I added the Strategic Management and Competition textbook to the two-and-a-half foot tall stack of textbooks in the library last night (the stack is mine alone…M takes his books into work), and cleared off the mat-cutting table this morning. M returned the desk lamp to his nightstand.

Every once in awhile we just look at each other and grin like drunken idiots. “Whatcha wanna do now?” “Nuthin’!”

It’s been two incredibly long years that has also gone by unbelievably fast. That probably doesn’t make much sense, but there it is. Now I get my life back.

I get to run again.
I get to make photographs again.
I get to edit photographs again.
I get to blog again.
I get to see my friends and family again.
I get to go to bed at a decent hour again.

I want to say thank you to everyone who helped out over the last two years, whether it was through showing tons of unconditional love and support or watching Zozo for us so we could crank out yet another paper or mid-term or final, or just listening to me cry about how overwhelmed I was. Thank you to everyone who didn’t make us feel worse than we already did about having to miss fun times, and who encouraged us to keep at it because it was worth it. I don’t need to name names…ya’all know who you are. Please know that we could not have done it without you.

In other news, I’m getting my voice back! It was gone the entire weekend, leaving Zoe to ask, “Mommy, where did your voice go?” M’s favorite line was, “She lost her voice. It’s God’s little early Christmas present to me!” Smartass. I just talked to him…he’s on his way to the ENT with his own sore throat. If he didn’t sound so miserable I’d say he asked for it with his joke. Someone told us we’d get sick once this was all over. I actually got sick right before it ended, which was par for the course because I’ve taken more than one final feeling pretty awful. My wonderful little LPN at the Walgreen’s Take Care clinic yesterday was sympathetic: “You keep getting sick because you’re not getting enough rest.” I know, I know. But all that’s about to change! We went to bed last night at 10:45, which was a good two to three hours earlier than we normally do. Heaven.

A colleague asked me last week if I was going to be one of those people that puts the letters behind her name, implying that it’s pretentious and snobby to do so. After noting to myself that she has no letters behind her name, I told her, “Damn straight I am! I’m not going through all that and not claiming every bit of it!” M says I have to wait until I actually get the final grade to do it. Sigh. Since we finished five days early, it’ll just feel like that much longer to wait. Eh, what’s a couple weeks after two years?

Anyway, we’re looking forward to re-introducing ourselves to our friends now that we have time to have a life again, as M says.

Hi, I’m Amy.

Wait, make that Amy, MBA.


  1. https://www.blogger.com/profile/16810696442830225789">Amy Grzina - December 14, 2009 @ 5:05 pm


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