

Cold and rainy today, and still I was able to find beauty and peace.

I walked past these dropleted leaves as I hurried into work this morning, thinking briefly about shooting and deciding I was too loaded down and preoccupied with work.

I left after lunch to run an errand and lo! They were still there. They had somehow managed to escape the footfalls of 500 students, faculty, staff, monks, parents and guests. It was a sign. Or maybe they too noticed the beauty and avoided them as I had. Even though I had just as much junk as the morning, I set down what I could and hoisted the rest into a precarious position on my back. I'm sure I looked pretty interesting, squatting out there where the parking lot meets the sidewalk.

Given that it was darn near the only thing I photographed today, I'm glad I stopped.

Spent much of tonight working on a huge spreadsheet that captures all things plumbing in the Dream Home. I am now a plumbing goddess. I should start wearing my pants low, I'm so into plumbing.

My efforts resulted in ratcheting down our plumbing expenditures from $18,500 as quoted by Crabby Fixture Lady to a more reasonable $6k plus change. Thank you, internets!

And with that, I'm off to rest my weary head. I shall dream of rough-in valves and trim kits and copper supply lines.

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