rockstar owls


To complete Catholic Schools Week, parents were invited to attend Mass with the kids this morning, followed by a small reception, then an activity in the classroom.

Our activity was to decorate a football jersey with our child's team, about which they wrote yesterday. Zoe's team is the Rockstars, and the team mascot is an owl.

Rockstar owls.

My daughter just kills me. I hope she knows how much I love her, and how happy she makes me.

In other news, M is battling either wicked food poisoning or the equally nasty norovirus. It's still up for debate…we'll see how he feels tomorrow. Today was shot for him, and it's very clear just how much agony he's in. Poor boy.

My organization is hosting its largest annual fundraiser tomorrow night, on which we've worked for months. Tonight was the preview party. It's an amazing event, as evidenced by a great party tonight.

The house made a lot of progress this week. Clerestory was wrapped and ceiling beams installed. Hardwood floor laid in the guest room and our bedroom, and Zoe's room has been fitted and is nearly ready for install. The carpenters hope to finish clerestory work early next week so they can break down the scaffold and the great room floor can go down.

We've started the process to convert the construction loan to a mortgage, which means we're discussing closing dates. This makes me giddy as that's a clear indication we are nearing completion.

So we have a few things going on.

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