show of love


This was my view for much of today. My energy was dedicated to creating a slideshow for the upcoming nuptials of two people I love very much. I had a block of time for it as Zozer was at a birthday party and M was at the Great Wall of China.

So I taught myself how to create one of these things and discovered it's pretty darn cool and a boatload of fun. I might have to make more. You know, in my spare time. (I had to learn this because the last time I made a slide show I used actual slides. And a copy stand, a 35mm SLR, four carousels and slide projectors, and cassette tapes. Senior slideshow for prom. Yeah, I'm dating myself but it freakin' rocked.)

I'm uploading this enormous file that needs a major editing to the bride and groom, who will call me with expletives after their computers take 15 hours to download, and I will snicker and say, "You got that list of images to cut yet?!"

It's 22 minutes long. Which is WAY longer than they asked for. But they were so darn cute as kids that I used nearly every image they sent me. And I used six of my favorite songs that I think captures their spirit, too.

Most of you know I am a ruthless editor. But that's only with my own images, or maybe the fine art images of fellow photographers. But no way can I go in and slash out the cherished family photographs of others. "I can't believe you cut Aunt Murgatroyd! She was my mom's ONLY sister and she DIED last year and that image of her holding me is the only photograph of her in the WORLD!" Yeah. I'm not going there.

Have fun, Bride & Groom! Don't blame me because you were adorable, well-photographed children!

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