

Today was awesome. Zoe and I went to an 8 am mass and group rosary prayer for Deacon Brian, who is a great person and the verge of being ordained. The Catholic church needs more people like him, so there's a lot to celebrate. Plus, he prayed a rosary for me when I was trying to score my new job so I figured I owed him one for his new job. After we prayed we went to a little reception for him, where Zozer slammed a doughnut and juice and then ran around with her equally hyped up friends while I caught up with fellow parishioners. It was lovely.

From there we went to the grocery store where I got more yummy ingredients for this week.

Came home and put groceries away before making turkey samiches for lunch. With cheese, tomato, lettuce and mustard. Pretzels, banana and yellow bell pepper rounded out our meal.

Then we were off to the local train station for National Train Day. A folk band, freebies, coloring books, conductor hats…all kinds of good stuff. Plus we saw three trains, one of which was an Amtrak. That totally blew Zozer's socks off.

Next stop: the St. Louis Art Museum for a great photography exhibit. M kept Zozer occupied while I wandered through the gallery in bliss. It was just lovely.

Home for a quick nap (luxurious!) before heading out to mass, as the 8 am one didn't count for this weekend. Besides, I needed to get my Mother's Day blessing which makes me thankful all over again that we conquered infertility while remembering those years I simply couldn't attend mass on Mother's Day because it was too painful.

Home again, where I tried another new recipe that turned out to rock as much as the others I've done over the last week. Chicken with granny smith apples and onions over egg noodles. Cooked with olive oil, cider vinegar and a touch of honey. The house still smells delicious.

Dinner was followed by a trip to the local frozen custard shop for a cool after-dinner trip. Mommy got to pick the flavor (we always share) as it's her weekend, and she chose wisely. Topsy Turtle, which includes caramel, nuts, caramel, chocolate sauce, and caramel. Did I mention caramel?

I've got a clean kitchen, clean litter box, laundry going, dishwasher steaming, a tuckered-out kid sound asleep, an iphone full of pix from today, and West Wing on the flat-panel.

Life is good.

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