stir fry


Zozer and I went to the local discount grocery store after school and stocked up. Fresh veggies, low-calorie snacks, milk, light string cheese, and Ritz Bits. Yeah, that last one isn't quite so healthy but Zo loves to take them for her snack and they were on sale.

Then we came home and she made a lovely picture for a local World War II veteran who is being honored in Washington DC while I made stir fry. Broccoli, peas, mushrooms, carrots, onions, scallions, red peppers and tofu. Minced fresh ginger and four cloves of garlic. First time I've ever made stir fry from scratch and it turned out excellent. (I've now made homemade lasagna and stir fry in The World's Smallest Kitchen, which is especially impressive given that I typically never cooked in our generously sized kitchen before.)

I thought Zoe would like it, and was pleasantly surprised when she loved it. Halfway through dinner she laid down her fork and said, "You made an awesome dinner, Mommy. Thank you!" I almost fell out of my chair. She even loved the tofu.

I also made mini cheese pizzas using a light English muffin (we each got a half) and light string cheese, which I peeled apart, striped on the muffin halves, and toasted. Finally, per Zo's request, we had fruit salad with fresh strawberries, blueberries and a banana.

It was a really healthy dinner that was also delicious. I am stuffed and yet have no guilt.

Hmmm. I could get used to this.

(Which might be necessary since M's travel schedule has kicked back up and I don't think it would be good for me to feed my daughter Raisin Bran every other night.)

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