

What a great Sunday!

We slept in, which is a rare treat. Mass was at a different church for a cousin’s baptism. There is something to be said for attending mass surrounded by a bunch of loved ones. We experienced it last weekend in Chicago and again today. Mass was followed by the baptism (welcome to Catholicism Alex!) and then lunch at a great Italian place (thank you Michelle and Ryan!). After lunch we headed for a car show at the transportation museum, where my dad was showing the ’66 Chevelle. Got there in time to see him pick up yet another award. He’s five for five with this stuff – it’s awesome. He worked so hard for so long on this car; it’s great to see him be recognized for it. After the show we ran home to change our clothes for some time at the park. Had to take advantage of the gorgeous weather. While at the park we concocted the brilliant idea of ice cream for dinner. In the new house. Then one of Zozer’s best friends from school showed up so we added her to the mix. We ended up eating the ice cream at the place due to little girls’ worries that their ice creams would melt by the time we got to the house. It worked out fine as we got to see a freight train go by. Then we headed to the house to check progress. Lovely. (Except those garage transoms still aren’t right, which is just bugging the crap out of me and which I’d like them to fix yesterday please.)

Home to do laundry, select pix for Zozer’s Mystery Person packet (kids bring in baby pix, favorite things, etc. and they all try to guess who each other is), upload them to Walgreens for printing, work on formatting the wedding slideshow for upload to YouTube, then uploading to YouTube, and possibly a spot of work.

The night air is cool, the windows are open, I got the house vacuumed this morning, my daughter is tucked into bed, laundry is underway, and for the first time in weeks I feel only 85% stressed instead of 110%. Life is feelin’ pretty darn good.

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