April 7, 2013 by Amy
We went to a trivia night tonight, where technically we scored squarely in the middle (kings of mediocrity! Bastions of the average!) but totally ruled in terms of how much fun we had. (This is impressive, and shows how much I've relaxed since my high school days when not setting the curve on one test could ruin my whole week.)
We (okay I) had some beer and some fun, and was able to finally laugh instead of cry when most people started conversations with us by saying, "Wow, getting close, huh?! About ready to move in, eh?"
This was a night we needed. A night where all that was expected of us was to show up with a meat tray, some cheese puffs, and a willingness to laugh. It was good.
Today's shot was taken as we barreled down Manchester going to something. Maybe the trivia night. I don't remember. Anyway, the sunset was so amazing that it needed no editing. This is straight out of camera (sooc for those of us photography snobs) with no fun Instagram filter to make it "art." I think it's very pretty without that stuff, but then again I've had a few beers and came in squarely in the middle at trivia night so what do I know.
I did try to crop it approximately square, as that's the Instagram format and I'd like to be consistent with my other 365 shots, but that's it. Given my current state of sobriety, I shall claim that as victory.
And with that, I'm off to bed!
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