Super Star

Say you’ve got The World’s Greatest Kid. In your own humble opinion, anyway. So here you are with this awesome daughter, and her preschool sends home this little 5″ yellow paper star with a note that says, “Here is a weensy star on which we want you to put your child’s name, a picture, and why your child is a superstar. Oh, and squeeze in a copy of the Magna Carta while you’re at it.” Okay, maybe they didn’t put that last part, but still. I mean, the star is only so big. How do you write about all the ways your little girl rocks when you have such a small amount of space? Even smaller after your stick her name in. Thank goodness she has a short name.

I received this assignment Tuesday, and have been pondering it ever since. The pressure! The pressure! All self-induced, mind you, but there nonetheless. I asked one of her teachers about it today. I needed some parameters. Free-form creativity is not my strong suit.

“Oh, it’s no big deal,” she said, pulling out another child’s star that had already been turned in. “You just stick a picture on and stuff. See?” I looked down in horror. The little guy’s class picture was pasted on, and it looked like his mother jotted down a sentence on the drive in to school. “Melvin* is a superstar because he is a good boy.” I mean, it wasn’t even good penmanship.

I couldn’t imagine not coming up with something better than that. I needed to at least try to capture the effervescence that is my little girl. My creativity doesn’t hold a candle to the light and love that emanates from her on a daily basis, but I had to give it a shot. So I did, tonight, because I have to turn it in tomorrow. I beg your forgiveness…I was up against a deadline. Given more time, I’d have probably added glitter, shiny star stickers, and, if her father was home, maybe some flashing Christmas lights. Because we’ve all been trained by him, “When in doubt…add more lights!”*Melvin is not his real name. I have changed names to protect the innocent. Except for Zoe’s. Obviously. Because you all already know her name and it’d be silly to put “Mildred” on her star and try to pass her off as such for this post.


  1. Ping - April 8, 2010 @ 3:48 am

    Cute! Cute! Cute!

  2.">Natalie Mikolajczak - April 8, 2010 @ 8:03 pm

    Besides, Mildred wouldn't fit on the star.

  3. Anonymous - April 8, 2010 @ 8:04 pm

    Yes, she is a superstar!
    And, your star for her is super!

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