Another office visit today

Let’s see if medical expert #5 can figure anything out. Seeing the dentist late this afternoon.
After a pretty good day yesterday, I crashed and burned last night. A rush-hour Vicodin helped, except for dinner, which was excruciating. Again.

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I’ve run the medical gamut, and am really nowhere new.  Here’s what I’ve done, in a nutshell:

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Well, Wednesday’s relief was either temporary or an indication I spaced my pain meds appropriately. That night I crumpled again. Yesterday saw a CR scan to rule out a mass in my sinus passage. All clear on that front (thankfully), causing the ENT to proclaim it must be dental. He referred me to an oral surgeon, where I sit waiting to be seen right now. Fun.
Actually, I don’t care WTF they do if it brings relief.
More later. Hopefully pain-free or at least with some solid answers.

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