An ordinary day

I have nothing to write about today. Nothing funny happened, nor anything traumatic. We all had busy days, some together and some separately.

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Just call me Julia Child. And Molly Maid.


I woke up around 7:30, but stayed in bed until 8. I love that morning time when I can lay in bed and not have to get up right away. Only I knew that I had a lot of work ahead of me so that kind of ruined the mood. At 8, I got up and started cooking.

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Budgeting time

I was a soccer mom today, which I really enjoy. I like hanging out with the other parents. I like cheering on Zozo and her friends. However, when the game is at 7:15 a.m., and I have to have her there by 7 a.m., and it’s at the indoor field furthest from our house…I maybe don’t enjoy it quite as much. (Don’t worry. I soothed myself with a quick stop at Starbucks.) (I also don’t like the smell of indoor soccer venues, which is much discussed among parents and for which the only solution would be to blow up the building and start again. But that’s a topic for another post.)

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Regularity, and what Jesus would do

Several people made comments today about how great it was that it was Friday. The Mazda shuttle driver kicked it off first thing this morning (had to leave the Big Blue Devil at the dealer for her first oil change and to finally get her pinstripes), then most of the faculty felt the need to comment on it throughout the day. It wasn’t until late this afternoon, while chatting with our off-duty police officer, that I realized that it was an ordinary week. A plain old ordinary week.

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